
11 January 2024

Replica Sistemi: we innovate with Zucchetti to improve our work

Lately, Replica Sistemi has implemented new technologies to improve the efficiency of the company processes. The company's growth in terms of turnover and personell necessitated the implementation of new infrastructures to increase company security and optimize access control and attendance tracking. What better opportunity could there be to adopt technologies that have already been implemented at major customers in partnership with Zucchetti, in the company as well?

In collaboration with Zucchetti Axess, we installed XAtlas software and video cameras to automatically recognise the number plates of employees' cars. During office hours, employees can enter the company premises in their own cars without having to exit their vehicle. This is made possible by the video cameras that detect and recognise the number plate, automatically opening the gate.

A registration totem with a touchscreen was installed for external visitors. This allows each person to enter their data and receive authorisation to enter the company.

The implementation of Zucchetti's solutions in Replica Sistemi was very fast, since the consolidated technological partnership model was replicated thanks to the integration of the EasYard yard management system with the software and automatic number plate detection video cameras in the plants of several customers.


The access control of employees is completed with the use of the Zucchetti employee clocking-in and clocking-out system, which will soon also dialogue with the payroll processing software of the Zucchetti's Ambiente Unico, another important innovation introduced in the company last year, for delivering pay slips to employees. 

The new HR platform enables employees to access the Zucchetti portal. In addition to managing legal and tax aspects of payroll processing, employees can browse the Zucchetti world, read news, and learn more about affiliated companies, products, and the company philosophy.


The advantage of belonging to a large Group, with companies able to offer skilled, innovative and cutting-edge solutions in every area, saves time and costs for software selection, especially when important legal obligations are stringent, as in the case of Legislative Decree 24/2023. 
This legislative decree implemented the European "Whistleblowing directive" and required companies with over 50 employees to establish procedures for handling reports of misconduct or fraudulent activity within their organization by activating an efficient internal communication channel for timely and effective management by December 17, 2023.


Also in this case, the support of the parent company Zucchetti and having a Group company that specializes in managing whistleblowing procedures has accelerated implementation and enabled Replica Sistemi to save money.
Considering the administrative field, Replica Sistemi has been using electronic invoicing integrated with Anticipay for several years. This ensures accurate management of the company's liquidity and finance while monitoring the solvency and reliability of customers and suppliers.


In addition to purchasing systems and business software from the Zucchetti world, Replica Sistemi has launched StockSystemInfinity, a WMS developed on the Infinity platform, to conform more and more to the Zucchetti philosophy in a 'win-win' perspective.

As Francesca Guaschino stated: "True integration requires concrete actions. We will continue to invest in Zucchetti products and services to enhance our work, increase the turnover of each company involved, and improve the overall value of the Group."

Information request

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