
01 December 2023

Replica Sistemi Happy Day: lights, cameras, action!

On Friday 1st December 2023, Replica Sistemi - Zucchetti organised the "Happy Day" party dedicated to all the employees to celebrate the company’s achievements and values that have inspired it for over forty years. 
Happy Day Replica Sistemi - Zucchetti

Team Building 2023 Movie

Team Building - Happy Day


Happy Day

The event took place at Villa Schiarino Lena, the historic residence of the Gonzaga family located on the outskirts of Mantua.
The morning began with an analysis of the positive trend of recent years and a discussion of Zucchetti’s philosophy and culture.
Lorenzo Guaschino, CEO of Replica Sistemi, pragmatically did not dwell too much on the past results, despite them being extremely positive (a 40% increase in the last three years). 


Therefore, he focused his speech on future objectives: achieving growth in the next four years with ambitious goals, driven by technological innovation and the desire to prioritize the company's success over personal interests. This will motivate everyone to give their best for the collective success.

By operating in this way, the market will continue to recognize Replica Sistemi - Zucchetti as a solid and transparent company capable of creating added value for its customers.


Guaschino highlighted the significance of sharing the corporate values that unite the parent company Zucchetti and Replica Sistemi.

Following this, David Moscato, Head of the Zucchetti Group’s Subsidiary Integration Department, and Samantha Pirozzi Nava, Head of Zucchetti’s People & Project HR Department, explained “the Zucchetti culture and philosophy” to the 140 participants.

“We innovate to improve your life.” Through the words used by Mino Zucchetti, the vision, mission and values that underpin the company and the Group were communicated, highlighting that one each of us, wherever we are in the world, is called upon to communicate something every day through our work.

Sharing knowledge, experience, and values can inspire passion and enthusiasm, making work a source of personal satisfaction. This aligns with the event's theme: “The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.” J.M. Barrie.


Ferruccio Montresor, General Manager, confirmed the company’s commitment to align the corporate climate and work environment with staff demands. He reflected on the balance between “sacrosanct rights” and “duties” that each person must actively and proactively contribute to, with total harmony and transparency.
Francesca Guaschino, Marketing Manager, honoured Alessandro Grisanti, Gianluca Caleffi, Patrizio Canti, and Giacomo Scaratti for their 20 years of service at Replica Sistemi.


Finally, the Logistics Manager, Francesco Gozzi, presented the “New Faces of 2023”, welcoming the new team members who joined this year.

The latter part of the morning was dedicated to a team-building activity called “Lights, Camera, Action!” organised by BG Building. All employees were involved and divided into nine teams. Each team created a short film of a different genre, including westerns, thrillers, historical films, documentaries, and detective stories. The teams were responsible for conceiving, writing, setting, acting, and editing their films.


From the most introverted to the most extroverted, everyone found their niche as a set designer, director, actor, props manager, lighting technician...
The activity provided an excellent opportunity for individuals who typically work in diverse and geographically distant business environments to come together and engage in a few hours of team-building activities. Although there may have been some initial awkwardness, the event concluded with a great deal of enjoyment.
After a productive stage, the participants enjoyed a convivial lunch in the Villa’s splendid hall, which was decorated for Christmas and filled with music and enthusiasm. The lunch honoured Mantuan cuisine.

The happy ending of Happy Day was marked by the screening of short films, expertly edited by BG Building’s operators. The performances of the Replica Sistemi actors in a Christmas remake of the Hollywood Oscar night received laughter, applause, and a standing ovation!😊

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